Individual instruction in your shop or mine. Project based classes or skills based lessons. Take your skills to the next level with expert instruction

Upcoming Classes

Stringing and Banding
to Mar 3

Stringing and Banding

Inlaid stringing and banding are hallmarks of furniture styles ranging from early American to the finest Art Deco pieces. This class will teach students how to create, use and finish stringing and banding on a variety of surfaces. Learn how to incorporate these details for both aesthetic and practical reasons.

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Flat Edge Tool Sharpening

Flat Edge Tool Sharpening

This one day seminar presents the theory and practice of hollow grinding and honing flat edge tools. Students will work on chisels and card scrapers. Hand planes will be covered as time permits. The techniques covered in class are applicable to other tools as well. Students can expect to sharpen two or three chisels/tools during this session.

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